For more detailed information about the
RF-33 System
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RF-33 System

ASTM D 5341, ISO 18894

     The base RF-33 equipment is used for doing CRI/CSR tests i.e. for determining the reactivity of lump coke in a CO2 atmosphere at high temperatures, and its strength after this reaction. The coke sample in the retort is influenced by CO2 gas for a determined time at a defined temperature and a CRI reactivity indicator is then determined from its weight loss. The solid residue is subsequently subjected to the prescribed mechanical stress in the rotating drum. As result of this procedure, CSR strength indicator after reaction is calculated. Test conditions are prescribed by the above standards.

      The results of the CRI/CSR test are:

           Coke reactivity index
           Coke strength after reaction index
           Record and continuous coke weight loss index during the reaction
           Digital photo documentation of the coke residue after the CRI and CSR tests.

The tests are based on assessment methods developed in the 1970s by Japanese NSC Company.

From the base RF-33 system, further enhanced testing systems were derived i.e. the RF-33/KK, RF-33/TV, and also the universal RF-33/RDI system for studying high-temperature physically-chemical properties of metallurgical raw materials. See the enclosed technical information - "The RF-33 Family".




Technical Information

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